Fine tuning absence review meetings

This month our maintenance schedule focused on absence review meeting tasks. Engage is a great management tool that helps make sure review meetings are held when necessary. Of course sometimes managerial discretion is needed and a review meeting will not be required, for example if the absence was due to a family emergency. In these cases, the manager can dismiss the task by selecting the reason why the task is not needed.

There are 3 reasons the manager can give: 1) absence was authorised, 2) employee didn’t actually trip the trigger but simply forgot to close their absence or 3) managerial discretion. From a company’s perspective, it’s important to keep an eye on the rate of task dismissal to make sure these tools aren’t being used incorrectly. We’ve made this even easier now with a section in the ‘Management task review’ report that shows what proportion of the tasks were dismissed with which reason.

Engage review meeting tasks have 2 parts: to schedule the review meeting and to record the meeting notes. This is to ensure that the reminders only go out when the meeting date is approaching. We’ve now added a further option to ‘postpone’ the review meeting date if it can’t be arranged as planned, to help reduce the number of reminders.

If you already have an account on Engage, log in here to see the new features.