Engage demo video

Watch this Engage demo video to get a quick introduction to the app:

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What is Engage?

Engage is an web-based software solution for measuring and managing absence. Employee absence is recorded online or via a call centre and all relevant managers are notified immediately via email. Complete and up-to-date employee absence records are stored in a centralised database that is accessible online. The system collates company-wide statistics on a dashboard and runs reports to highlight trends and hotspots that enable proactive absence management.

See an overview of our ABSENCE MANAGEMENT features

See an overview of our HOLIDAY MANAGEMENT features

Why is absence management important?

Business relies on employees not only being at work but being able to perform to the best of their abilities. The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) says that sickness absence costs small businesses on average £1,500 per year and for 10% of SMEs this total rises to £5,000. It is a costly problem that small companies, in particular, can’t afford to ignore. Simply having an absence management system in place not only lowers absence levels (saving companies money) but it also helps businesses proactively care for their employees to reduce avoidable absence. And, according to research, 80% of absence can be avoided! Having instant information that provides transparency empowers employers to better manage their staff and achieve healthy and productive attendance.