What is employee wellbeing and how to get started?

Wellbeing is more than an avoidance of becoming physically sick. It represents a broader construct that includes physical, mental and social health. Employers play a key role in how employees feel at work and this will have a direct correlation on how well they perform.

Productivity Series: Productivity Hacks part I

Happy New Year! I hope you’ve all had a nice and relaxing time over the holidays and are now ready to have a truly productive 2016. In this first post of the year, I want to look into some of the real life productivity hacks that real people like you and me swear by in […]

Productivity Series: The Best Productivity Apps

In the article series so far (which started almost a year ago, wow!) we’ve looked at many of the key changes you need to make with regards to how you think and act, but we haven’t spoken very much about tools. In this day and age of constant connectivity, I therefore felt it would be […]

Linking Your Goals to How You Spend Your Time

In this bi-weekly installment of our big productivity blog series for 2015, we’re once again taking a practical approach. Or at least it’s practical in the way that a personal trainer is effective when he’s shouting at you to get a move on. In other words, in this article I will be shouting at you […]

Productivity: Spend Your Time Right

In this installment of our Productivity blog series, we’re looking at taking some of the key lessons from the previous articles and looking at how you can link your goals, your priorities, and your key areas to how you actually spend your time. This means that we are getting a lot more practical and can […]

Prioritisation part I – Part of the Productivity Series

Learn from one of the greatest military commanders of all time how to prioritise tasks. In this day and age where we are overloaded with information it can often be very difficult to decide where we should focus our efforts. This article outlines a simple decision-making framework for prioritisation.

A New Year – A More Productive You?

A lot of people start off the new year with resolutions to become more fit, find a (new) partner, learn a new language, be more cultural, travel and see the world – in fact just pick a goal and get something done.