The World Cup and Absence Levels

What would happen if England wins the World Cup? We are just a few days away from the final of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Even surrounded by criticism, tested loyalties and national teams taking a stand on different issues. This World Cup has brought together the whole world, whether or not you are a […]

How to address recurring absence in your policy

A good absence policy sets out acceptable levels of absence and guides managers to review absence patterns early on. It should also provide a clear guide for follow-up actions. When more serious consequences should follow from a poor attendance record. Quite often the first meeting or referral is not the end of the story. The […]

Make your absence policy simple

The most common mistake we see in absence policies is unnecessary complexity. Honeydew’s mission is to make good absence management easy. In this article, we’ll go through the do’s and don’ts of writing absence policies. We will explain how to write a policy that is an effective tool for line managers.

How to manage a repeat offender like Annie Excuses?

Using every excuse under the sun, Annie is rarely seen at work. One day her back hurts, the next it’s migraines, or her all-time favourite: stress. When she does turn up, it’s with a multitude of explanations for why she hasn’t done the work she was meant to do. Her boss is keen to help […]

How to manage employees who pull sickies?

Managers may often feel that they ‘know’ when employees are faking an absence. The gut feeling may be based on their personal relationship with the employee or the fact that they have noticed patterns of absence e.g. repeatedly taking sick days on a Friday. Relying on instict is not an approach we recommend. This article […]

It’s flu jab season – should you get the shot?

The autumn is upon us and so is the start of the flu season. To combat the illness, every year a flu vaccine is put together to fight the current known strains of flu. In the UK, the flu jab is only offered free of charge to people in known risk groups but individuals can buy […]

Managing absence during the Olympics

Rio Summer Olympics 2016 are fast approaching. The games officially start on 5th August and the closing ceremony takes place in the very early hours of Monday 22nd August UK time. As with any major sporting event, the likelihood that employees will want to catch some of the action is high. Due to the time difference, […]

Are your employees playing policies too well?

Whilst absence triggers can be highly effective in cutting your absence levels, the way you set them is critical to their success. Understand how your absence policy works in real life when employees start to take advantage of loopholes.

How to: Improve the effectiveness of Return to work interviews

Return to Work (RTW) interviews have proven to be an effective absence management tool. Many companies have already incorporated the practce of conducting RTW Interviews into their absence management policies. However, many managers still struggle to undertake effective interviews – or even to find the time to carry them out at all.