Productivity: Spend Your Time Right

In this installment of our Productivity blog series, we’re looking at taking some of the key lessons from the previous articles and looking at how you can link your goals, your priorities, and your key areas to how you actually spend your time. This means that we are getting a lot more practical and can […]

The indirect cost of absence – infographic

Absence is a major cost to business but it can be hard to quantify just how much it costs. The total bill is partly made up of direct costs such as agency or overtime fees for replacement staff and sick pay, which are relatively easy to calculate. If you’d like to calculate your direct cost of […]

The Future of Health Technology – Health Tech & You Awards

What does the future of health technology look like? AXA PPP’s Health Tech & You competition by the Design Museum has invited innovators to submit their products or early stage prototypes in six categories. Perhaps unsurprisingly, most of the entries were smartphone apps or devices. Your smartphone is on the road to becoming the hub […]

Prioritisation part II – Productivity through Key Areas

Prioritisation. Goal achievement. Time management. This article talks about how to prioritise in order to focus and achieve your goals. Following on from our last article about the Eisenhower Matrix, this shows you how you can organise all of your tasks and activities to achieve an overview and get things done.

Around the world: Innovative approaches to productivity

August 2014 news reports interesting workplace initiatives aimed at improving performance around the world. These innovative approaches to productivity come from Germany, where employees are being allowed to delete all incoming mail whilst on holiday and from Japan, where employees are encouraged to nap at work.

How good is your data?

As with any business strategy, good data is the key to success and absence management is no different. As we like to say around here: “good absence management starts with good data.” How good is your data, really?

How to: Set absence targets to achieve good attendance

Effective absence management is highly dependent on good communication, specifically communication between management and employees. If the employee is honest and punctual in updating the employer on the status of their health or personal situation, the employer can help and manage the situation for a swift return to work and minimal impact on the remaining […]