UK Absence at highest level in a decade

Yesterday, September 26th, The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) released its annual Health and Wellbeing at Work survey report. The survey, which was conducted in March and April 2023, showed the highest absence levels measured in the last decade with 7.8 days of sickness absence on average across all sectors and sizes of […]

Modular RTW form

A little while back, Engage released an exciting feature that a lot of HR teams have been asking for: a modular Return-to-Work form.

Calculate your absence costs

Our new absence cost calculator is now live. With just a few metrics about your business, you can get an instant result of your direct absence cost per day and per annum. The results are shown in a donut diagram that splits the overall value to sick pay and replacement staff costs.

The World Cup and Absence Levels

What would happen if England wins the World Cup? We are just a few days away from the final of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Even surrounded by criticism, tested loyalties and national teams taking a stand on different issues. This World Cup has brought together the whole world, whether or not you are a […]

Portesbery School Case Study

“THERE MUST BE SOMETHING BETTER OUT THERE” “We looked at other systems that were available and obviously Honeydew appealed to us the most at the time and we stayed since – and it has proved its worth.” Portesbery School provides schooling and support for children and young people with Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD), sensory impairments, […]

Infinis Absence Management Case Study

“WE NOW HAVE ONE SOURCE OF TRUTH” Infinis is the UK’s leading renewable energy company and prides itself on being one of the few companies leading the charge to make a positive impact on climate change. Infinis is headquartered in Northampton and employs around 300 staff across 150+ UK sites. 65% of the workforce are […]

Focus on mental health after Covid-19 restrictions are lifted

Throughout the pandemic, the uncertainty and worries have heightened the mental health issues everyone has to deal with in their daily lives. On 9th February, Boris Johnson announced that the last Covid isolation rule could be scrapped a month early. That would mean we’ll be back to ‘normal’ life, in terms of work and socialising, […]

Absence management in a pandemic

I am going to be bold enough to assume that no absence policy was ever written with a global pandemic in mind. Until now. At the time of writing this, we are still in the midst of the chaos caused by Covid-19. The disease has been with us for nearly two years and the situation […]

Best practice absence policy: how to manage exceptions

Your absence policy should be a blueprint for managers to follow but not so rigid that there is no space for discretion. Discretion doesn’t mean that managers should be able to pick and choose when to implement the policy. Quite the opposite, meetings and discussions should be held on all occasions.