Flexible working makes for more productive employees

A recent survey of over 2,600 employees by FlexJobs found that 76% think the office is not their most productive work environment. 50% of the survey respondents would choose to work from home to be most productive or on important projects. The top five reasons why flexible working was deemed more productive were:

Guide to flexible working

To help employees and managers alike decide if flexible working could be the right solution for you, we at Honeydew have written a guide to flexible working for you, right here. Please share!

Employers should do more for employee health

A survey of over 2000 UK full and part-time workers, commissioned by One4all workplace benefits company, found that employers should be doing more to help employees stay healthier – and that such efforts would be welcomed by the majority of employees.

Absence Management in HR Systems? It Doesn’t Work!

HR systems do not drive effective absence management. FACT! Absence Management in HR systems seems to be a case of just trying to add another feature without any real focus on helping clients attain their goals. Many companies choose to use their HR system to do as much as possible. Anything from payroll through to […]

Effective Meetings Boost Productivity

In our long running (since January 2015) article series about productivity we have been around a varied range of subjects from the strategic (goal setting) down to the downright practical (how to plan your time). Right from the outset it was envisaged that we would do articles on some of the practical topics, which are […]

Netflix announces unlimited maternity and paternity leave

Netflix has made the news this week by announcing unlimited maternity and paternity leave during the first year after a child’s birth or adoption. It’s not uncommon for employers to try to offer the entrepreneurial lifestyle within their corporate ethos and this change is just the latest in Netflix’s famous approach to HR. By allowing flexible […]

HR can be innovative too

‘Netflix culture’ slideshow has been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. Patty McCord, the then Chief Talent Officer who co-devised the strategy and slide deck, wrote an article for Harvard Business Review explaining what is so revolutionary in their approach. It makes for very interesting reading.

Linking Your Goals to How You Spend Your Time

In this bi-weekly installment of our big productivity blog series for 2015, we’re once again taking a practical approach. Or at least it’s practical in the way that a personal trainer is effective when he’s shouting at you to get a move on. In other words, in this article I will be shouting at you […]

The myth about slacking latecomers

This blog is a re-post of one we wrote previously on our corporate Honeydew Health blog. As the subject of slackers and time keeping is relevant in light of our 2015 focus on productivity we thought we would post it here for your reading pleasure… A blog article by Peter Honey on the CIPD website […]